xChange event: Advances in 3OM: Opto-Mechatronics, Opto-Mechanics, and Optical Metrology

December 12, 2023

Timisoara, Romania

ADMA TranS4MErs will be part of the joint workshop - Regional drivers supporting advanced technology adoption – organized within the Advances in 3OM: Opto-Mechatronics, Opto-Mechanics, and Optical Metrology Conference (11-14 December 2023)

The workshop is organized by the regional support ecosystem partners West Regional Development Agency and Tehimpuls Association with the support of the ADMA TranS4MErs Project.

It will provide a unique platform for discussing the key factors and technologies merging the role of DeepTech, funding and support schemes, bottom-up ecosystem initiatives and international good practices.

Key speakers present

Cristian Gotia, Certified Trans4mer will have a presentation about the ADMA Trans4mers project & the 2nd Open Call. 
Also, the team will be present at the ADMA TranS4MErs booth with promotional materials. 


Central Library of Timisoara Politehnica University
Vasile Parvan 2, Timisoara, Romania

